Monday, October 25, 2010

The conference Saturday, held at The Open Book/The Loft all day, was worth every moment, and an absolute bargain for registration fee.

Maggie Stiefvater was the keynote Saturday morning. I'm not the hugest fan of all fantasy books, but her prose sucks me in and her conflicts keep me turning the page. Long and short: I admire her. Fully. Absolutely. I think I dreamed four-leaf clovers while reading Lament.
She's as funny and quirky and smart in person as you'd expect.

She talked about her journey as a blogger/social media user. Good stuff, so I'm all the more committed to continuing this!

Brian Farrey (Acquisitions Editor at FLUX, and my editor for Chasing AllieCat) and Andrew Karre chaired/organized the conference. Kudos to them for doing a superb job. They're both cyclists and book people. Go figure that they'd both be such cool guys. : )

1 comment:

Sarah Stevenson said...

Hi Rebecca--
It was great meeting you at Kidlitcon! Wish we'd had a chance to chat a little more, but I guess we'll be able to do that at ALA Midwinter. Look forward to seeing you there!
-Sarah Stevenson