Can't pass this day without thinking about Rome and Julius Caesar. Greek Mythology and Roman lore are two of the staples of my Intro to Humanities Class at South Central College.
On a different note, Nikki and I took Alec to the Greenville Library yesterday. There is a terrific children's wing. We perused books, picked a bagful for Alec, and I came across this nostalgic section:
When I was in grade school, I read every book I could find that Marguerite Henry wrote. My fifth grade teacher, Mrs. Anderson, made us tell the class what we wanted to be when we grew up (Smile), and who would to teach us how to do it. I said I wanted to be a writer, and I wanted to learn from Marguerite Henry.
I got to hear Marguerite Henry read once at the University of Minnesota--she was the very first published writer I ever saw do a public reading--but I was too shy (believe it or not) to go up and tell her she was my idol. I wish I could still tell her. Instead, I'll try to do her legacy justice.
Thank you, Marguerite Henry, for all your wonderful stories.